Oak #1
Oak #2
Oak #3
Oak #4
Handful of Soil
Covercrop Growing
Mowing Covercrop
Hover Fly Larva
Hover Fly Adults
Cilantro Flowers
Good Bug Blend
Fennel flowers
Owl House
Nesting Box
Bluebird Eggs
Baby Bluebirds
One Week
Two Weeks
Other Tactics
Let Nature Talk
Let Nature Talk

These examples are only meant to inspire you to observe the wonders of nature in your garden. The things that work here might or might not work for you. Each garden has its own special, unique ecosystem. Take the time to walk in your garden every day. Walk it with a quiet, reflective, observant mind. Let nature talk to you.

There is an old Chinese saying:
“the footsteps of the farmer is the best fertilizer.”

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